Libertatis is based on my interpretation of future running wear for Adidas. The design concept draws inspiration from visuals associated with "cool," "cold," "dark," and "separated" elements, aiming to create a sense of psychological distance. Given the importance of uniqueness and connectedness in the research of design aesthetics, I'm exploring the idea of reversing these elements to see how they might affect customer emotions. This involves designing a product that contrasts with the initial style to evoke a different emotional response.

Indeed, instead of receiving applause from everyone, my idea is to satisfy the friends who resonate with the “distance feeling” style. However, I also welcome feedback from both positive and negative attitudes toward my design, which I can know if the project adapts to society and produces value for customers. 

Herein, I prefer to withhold the detailed development process of Libertatis to observe how people have opinions about it. Like my previous works, experimental concepts intermittently emerge during product development. If conditions permit, I'll maintain this design language as a separate branch of my work, ready to explore further when the time is right.

Thanks for watching
Designed by Matteo Xu



